Choose Which Agency Accounting Service You Would Like EQP! To Provide For You:
EQP! will update the General Ledger of your Agency Management System to reflect monthly bank activity, entering deposits processed by your Agency Team and preparing disbursements on behalf of your Agency. Trust bank account activity includes Trust related deposits and corresponding reconciliations/payment preparation to Carriers and Brokers.
Agency Bill/Premium Payables Reconciliation
EQP! will update the General Ledger of your Agency Management System to reflect Trust account bank activity for the applicable month. Trust bank account activity includes Trust related deposits and the corresponding reconciliations / payment preparation to Carriers and Brokers.
Direct Bill Recording
EQP! will record, import, or process commissions in suspense for your direct bill transactions, reconciling them to income and cash received.
Payroll Entries
EQP! does not provide payroll processing services. However, we will enter corresponding payroll entries into the General Ledger of your Agency Management System, balancing to the payroll reports provided by your Team to keep your General Ledger up to date.
Month End
At Month End, EQP! will initiate your default month and help you work through close items: bank reconciliations for Balance Sheet cash accounts; Direct Bill reconciliations; and balancing Agency Bill reports. We provide Standard Management reports (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Aged Receivables) and Applicable Producer Reports for your review. Upon approval of Producer reports, we prepare Producer payment disbursements for you to distribute.
Year End
At Year End, EQP! will work with your CPA to provide Agency Management System reports needed for them to prepare your tax return, including a system-generated 1099 report to ensure that your year-end requirements go smoothly.
Touch Base/Team Pulse Meetings
Our Client-Centric Team provides regular Touch Base/Team Pulse meetings to ensure we’re answering your questions and are moving forward together. These brief meetings provide clarification on requests, afford opportunities to course correct, and (even better!) they allow us to see the faces and hear the voices behind the names and activity notes in your Management System.
Special Project
This selection is for Agencies who need General Ledger clean up (i.e. clean up of General Ledger Accounting months prior to a start date with EQP!). It is also for Agencies that earn more than $3M of annual commission income, to whom a full suite of EQP! services is not available. If applicable, Special Project hourly rates would apply, and work would be completed as time allows.